[S1] [S7] How Buddhism Gives You Top Secrets on Asian People w/ Yuichi Asakura, Chief Editor at Pure Land Buddhist Center of Southern California

[S1] [S7] How Buddhism Gives You Top Secrets on Asian People w/ Yuichi Asakura, Chief Editor at Pure Land Buddhist Center of Southern California

Culture, Spiritual
This week, we explored how Buddhism impacted the Asian culture, specifically the culture in Japan as a guide. We examined how the fundamentals of Buddhism such as being happy and the law of cause and effect impacted the actions of those indigenous Japanese. Examples being during the tsunami and earthquake back in 2011, there was no mass-looting. The collective culture of placing the benefit of the group above one's well being compared to the West where they value politeness and harmony above many things. We also explore how some of the Buddhism influence was taken out of context such as misapplying the effort mindlessly without taking into account of inherent talent of individuals. Other topics were deeply delved into to see how Buddhism change the perspectives and outlook of various…
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[S1] [E6] America and Asia: Why You Get Frustrated w/ Calvin Shen, Director of Software Architect

[S1] [E6] America and Asia: Why You Get Frustrated w/ Calvin Shen, Director of Software Architect

Business, Culture, Tech
This week we explored with an Asia-West work veteran who had spent a significant amount of time in both regions and noticed the dichotomy of the differences. Specific examples include how the US value the terms in the contracts while those of Asian counterparts only use contracts as a reference and decide to make changes as they see fit. On the other hand, Asia has a tendency to follow the rules strictly, especially in hierarchical structures, yet the western counterpart tends to want to break the rules for innovation and hierarchy hardly exists.
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[S1] [E5] How to Overcome Suicidal Thoughts and Pressure w/ Michi Fu, Licensed Psychologist

[S1] [E5] How to Overcome Suicidal Thoughts and Pressure w/ Michi Fu, Licensed Psychologist

Culture, Spiritual
This week, G. Wu interviewed Licensed Psychologist, Michi Fu about her experience in working with patients related to suicidal thoughts and how to overcome those negative thoughts. We explored what environments and conditions help to overcome and rise above those negative thoughts. We examined how having a secure network of friends and communication channels mitigate the negative influences. Additionally, we also explored how many myths were surrounding the topic of suicidal thoughts, and we should classify them in a way that can help dispel myths and provide positive outlooks. One significant unexpected finding that brought light was that Asian Americans don't have the highest suicidal rate. Either Asians do not have the pressure we imagined or perhaps we were conditioned to weather these emotional up and downs from our upbringings.…
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[S1] [E4] How to be an Attractive Asian Man w/ Jeremy Jong – Dating Coach for Asian Man

[S1] [E4] How to be an Attractive Asian Man w/ Jeremy Jong – Dating Coach for Asian Man

Culture, Relationship, Spiritual
This week, G. Wu interviews Asian-focused Dating Coach, Jeremy Jong, about our Asian culture and how it affects our dating life in life. Areas of focus include in cultures where direct and assertive culture dominates the indirect Asian culture. We explored how mental toughness and other psychological obstacles that prevent many remarkable Asian men from being desired by the opposite sex. Further discussions also show-cased why attractive women are usually not the best girlfriends. Also, why sometimes it is best to be single than to get into any relationships that can be toxic. We also explored how women tend to want to date up to and not date on their level. For example, I would imagine what my celebrity crushes would want in a man, and try to imagine the…
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[S1] [E3] How to Turn Your Asian Disadvantage into Strength w/ Mona Weng, Global Head – Waze for Broadcaster at Google

[S1] [E3] How to Turn Your Asian Disadvantage into Strength w/ Mona Weng, Global Head – Waze for Broadcaster at Google

Culture, Tech
This week, G. Wu interviews Global Head, Waze for Broadcasters at Google, Mona Weng about her experience in overcoming triple negative as a young Asian female. We explored various avenues to deal with that problem and how to leverage these disadvantages into strength. Mona delved deep into her background on how she found her niche after exploring various careers from sales, operations, engineering, among others before she found what she enjoys and excels at in Business Development. Her example of navigating the Silicon Valley as a young Asian female exemplifies how she turned her disadvantages into assets. We also explored how we can take her case to reflect on our difficulties and how to go about rising above our circumstances. (Yes, talking about AAM as well :)) AAM -> Angry…
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[S1] [E2] Pros vs. Cons: I Want to Be Better Than You w/ Li Lin, Founder & Coach at Successful Immigrant

[S1] [E2] Pros vs. Cons: I Want to Be Better Than You w/ Li Lin, Founder & Coach at Successful Immigrant

Culture, Spiritual
This week, G. Wu interviews International Students Coach, Immigrant CEO Show Host, and Successful Immigrant Founder, Li Lin. We talked about how the merits and demerits of comparing yourself to others. We explored the depth of the Asian psyche in the comparison space and how that comparison against others are healthy, just have to be done in the right context. We explored the concept of "moral kidnapping" and how to find ways to negate that influence.
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[S1] [E1] How to Deal with Asian Parent’s Guilt Trip w/ Stephen Lee, Engagement Manager at Strategy& (PWC)

[S1] [E1] How to Deal with Asian Parent’s Guilt Trip w/ Stephen Lee, Engagement Manager at Strategy& (PWC)

This episode analyzes the impact of various solutions to managing guilt tripping with an Asian family.  Those solutions can not only be applied in our Asian family structure but also able to use this in our personal relationships.  When was the last time you noticed your friends or co-workers tried to make you feel bad that you did not do what they assumed you "were" supposed to do?  If we don't get this area resolved, it will flow into other parts of our lives.  We had several golden nuggets as takeaways as follows: Compartmentalize the SituationUnderstanding the root cause of a guilt tripSeparating emotions with positive actions In addition, he went through how he was able to go through the ups and downs of his current status.
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[S1] [E0] How To Pursue Happiness and Success from Asian Upbringing w/ George Wu, Podcast Host at Navigating the Rise

[S1] [E0] How To Pursue Happiness and Success from Asian Upbringing w/ George Wu, Podcast Host at Navigating the Rise

This is an intro episode on summarizing the theme, "how to pursue happiness and success from Asian upbringing," for the season and expectations on what is to come for each of the episodes including guest appearances, episode formats, among other things. Each episode will showcase a guest speaker of someone who is successful professionally, personally, or both. We will explore solutions to elevate and rise above the culture dictated on us.
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