This episode is a bit different as I taken the top 10 things that people have experienced and put it down into a sequential story. Girik Sehgal from Subtle Asian Travel gave us a brief breakdown in the top 10 cities that people should visit to better understand the cultural phenomenon within Asia. In the first part, we explore where are the best cities that give a good representation of the top cities. The main purpose is for those who are interested in exploring those cities to better understand Asian cultures.
We recommend the following cities: Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Busan, Seoul, and Manila. Why not other cities? Well, actually there are. But, they give you an easy way to interact in a safe environment. Heck if you want to venture out, go to the countryside, but most first-time visitors might have an issue with no English, no toilets…(Asian squats), among others. In the podcast, we go a bit deeper into each of the locations…locations that I have been that that is. I have only been to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Seoul, and Manila. Looks like I got to travel to Kuala Lumpur and Busan.
From those, cities as a first step, I hope that you can start to understand Asian cultural norms for both Westernized Asians and non-Asians.
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