What Troubles You?
If you ever asked yourself these questions, then you are in the right place:
- How do I understand someone from a different culture like my Asian friends?
- Why do different leadership styles work for different people?
- As an Asian American, Asian British, or Asian Australian, how do I resolve my identity crisis?
- How do I manage my relationships with my parents, who grew up in a different culture?
- What works in Asia, and what doesn’t work in Asia as a Westerner?
What Values Will You Get
and who is George Wu?
Navigating the Rise will help you understand Asian and Western cultures. The result will be to level up your life overall. For example, that can be:
- Have better relationships
- Create more successful businesses
- Become a more well-rounded leader
- Able to merge past/current self

George Wu, the founder of Navigating the Rise, has extensive experience across Asia and the USA. George speaks English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean and has worked across Europe, Asia, Latin America, and North America. George also has participated in high-level board meetings with billionaires, such as Terry Gou, Chairman of Foxconn, to see how Asian business was done behind the scene. As such, he can differentiate the different business landscapes across the two regions as well as the cultural communication across the two areas.

Navigating the Rise was created to bring awareness and recreate the misperceptions of Asians in the West. For example, people mistaken quietness as a lack of confidence, not creating intense conflicts as a lack of personal viewpoints, among others. Because of the miscommunication, sometimes Asians were being taken advantaged of within Western society in various forms from social to professional environments. As someone who was born from immigrant parents, George also faced the common problem of not being entirely accepted by Caucasian Americans nor by Asia-born Asians while growing up. He can relate the struggle of establishing a unique identity, while at the same time pleasing different cultural upbringings from the East/West.
It wasn’t until George started to immerse himself across the world in his travels did he realize that everyone wants the same thing in life, that is, to be happy. How that gets presented and manifested just shows up in different cultural forms. One culture will forsake family time to provide a family’s material well-being as the epitome of giving happiness. Other cultures will take the opposite approach in spending time with family, even means living in poverty as the epitome of presenting happiness. From that experience, George was able to combine multiple perspectives from different individuals. That allowed him to able to empathize, people, who are different from him, and that helped him merge many of the world’s personas within him.

As such, both from personal and professional history, George believes there is a lot of education and awareness needed to understand perspectives from different cultural norms. With George’s in-depth knowledge of Asia and the West, George wants to not only bring awareness to those two parties but also help integrate both for personal and personal success.
Next steps
Are you ready to have your paradigm shattered?